Digital Life, LLC Apps

Auto X the TeXt 1.11
Digital Life, LLC
Remove the temptation to text whiledrivingand make the roads safer for everyone!Texting is one of the most dangerous driving distractions.Checkout these stats:•  Texting takes your eyes off the road for about fiveseconds.At 55 mph, that's like driving the length of a footballfieldcompletely blind.• Texting while driving is the same as driving after havingfourbeers.• Texting makes you 23 times more likely to crash.• Each day, 11 teens are killed in texting-related accidents.• Every year, texting is responsible for an estimated330,000driving injuries.Virginia Tech Transportation Institute research, availableat X the TeXtTM works with your GPS,intelligentlysensing when you are driving and creates a safer waytocommunicate. When installed and enabled, Auto X theTeXtautomatically responds to incoming text messages with apersonallydefined text reply, letting those who know you that youare drivingand will get back to them when it is safe to doso.In addition, Auto X the TeXt can silence allaudiblenotifications and re-direct phone calls immediately to voicemailwhen you are at the wheel! This is called Quiet Mode.Forthose missed calls, the application also allows you torespondautomatically with a customized text message. This featureappliesto any and all contacts that you have saved onyourphone.Your personal auto-reply text messages can be fully customizedupto 158 characters long, so your response can be very specific toasituation or generally pertaining to your drivingstatus.Should Auto X the TeXt auto-reply to a text message oraphone call, it will only auto- reply once to any givencontactduring your driving trip. Once we detect you are no longerdriving,this auto-reply tracking will be reset for your next trip.Althoughyour friends may call or text you multiple times whiledriving,rest assured that you will only auto-reply once.Auto X the TeXt is battery-friendly. Unlikeotherapplications that attempt to detect activity, the applicationusespatent-pending technology to determine your activity type tobestmaximize battery life. In conjunction with various devicesensors,we utilize GPS to help understand what you are doing at anygivenpoint in time.We believe this is an application that can contribute tobetterroad safety and help people make better decisions abouttexting anddriving. Do your part in making the roads safer foreveryone - you,your family, your friends and your loved ones...Auto X theTeXt!Features• Auto detect when you are driving. No need to remember to enableordisable the application when you start and end your trip• Quiet Mode silences all incoming calls and audiblenotificationsfrom all your applications (except alarms) whiledriving• Auto-reply to silenced calls with a text message while inQuietMode• Select specific contacts that are allowed to call you whileinQuiet Mode. For example, you may wish to block all incomingcallsexcept for calls from your parents or husband or wife.• Customizable message for your auto-reply text message• Motion Sensitivity settings allow for tailoring theauto-detectdriving logic to be as battery friendly aspossibleParent Control Features• Password protected• Ability to lock key features so that they cannot be changed• Allow notifications via text message when a text is sentwhiledriving has been detected• Send a "Daily Status" text message as a notification once every24hours. Ensures the application is running as expected• Notification can be sent to any number of contacts